Bloggers and Photographers
Bloggers and Photographers
At Hand In Pocket, collaborating with fashion bloggers is a top priority. We love seeing bloggers' creativity as they incorporate our clothing and accessories into their outfits and are inspired by all of the looks that these unique ladies create. Currently there are three ways that bloggers can collaborate with Hand In Pocket.
1. Featured blogger- if you are interested in being featured on HIP’s blog as a guest blogger submit your request here
2. Advertising -Interested in having Hand In Pocket advertise on your blog? Contact us at
3. Product Reviews- Want to share your opinions with other HIP Chicks? Review Hand In Pocket products on our site by following the guidelines below. We also welcome independent product reviews or your own site. Contact for details
Blogger Review Guidelines
Our customers value blogs like yours for their high-quality feedback, images, and content. If you’re already featuring HIP clothing, jewels, and shoes on your blog, why not share your thoughts on them with our audience via product reviews? When you do, just keep in mind the following criteria, reviews or posts not meeting this criteria will not be made public: Be sure to identify yourself as a blogger/blogger name- please do not post a link to your site.
Include as much information regarding fit, wearability, and other details that you would want to know before purchasing an item. If your blog is sponsored by Hand In Pocket and you’re reviewing items you’ve received as gifts, please make sure to mention: My blog ____________ is sponsored by Hand In Pocket. Also, indicate that the item you are reviewing was gifted by Hand In Pocket if applicable.